Function Generators
The function generators are instruments That are capable of producing a wide variety of waveforms and frequencies.
Actually, every one of the waveforms they generate is particularly suitable for a different group of applications. The most common output waveforms are sine-waves, triangular-waves, square-waves, and sawtooth waves.
Many Function generators are additionally fit for creating two unique waveforms all the while from different output terminals.
Some function generators are also capable of phase locking to an external signal source. One function generator might be utilized to stage lock a second function generator and the two yield signs can be dislodged in stage by a movable sum.
The function generator can likewise be stage bolted to a precise recurrence standard, and all its yield waveforms will have a similar recurrence, soundness, and exactness as to the standard.
Function Generator Circuit
In this instrument, the frequency is controlled by varying the magnitude of the current that drives the integrator. This instrument gives an alternate sort of waveforms (such as Sinusoidal, triangular and square wave) as its yield motion with a recurrence score of 0.0] Hz to 100 kHz.
The recurrence controlled voltage manages two current supply source. Current supply source 1 supplies a relentless nearness to the integrator whose yield voltage rises legitimately voltage comparator multivibrator changes state at a foreordained most extreme dimension of the integrator yield voltage.
The change cuts-off the current supply from supply source 1 and switches to supply source 2. The present supply source 2 supplies a turnaround current to the integrator so its yield drops straightly with time. When the output attains a pre-determined level, the voltage comparator again changes state and switches on the current supply source 1.
The output of the integrator is a triangular wave whose frequency depends on the current supplied by the constant current supply source.
The comparator output provides a square-wave of the same frequency as output.
The resistance diode network changes the slope of the triangular-wave as its amplitude changes and produces a sinusoidal wave with less than percent distortion.