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Tendering Process Steps

Tendering Process Steps 

While inviting tenders following rules should be observed.

Tendering Process Steps

  • Tenders are invited in regard to work contracts except when any exemption has been granted by the government.
  • Tenders must be invited to the prescribed tender forms.
  • Tenders must be invited in a sealed cover. In order to get more tenders wide publicity should be given. The publicity may be made through important daily newspapers, government gazette and pasting notices in public places, and sending letters to the reputed contractors and dealers.
  • The tender notice should contain the following information: (a) Name of place and time where the contract documents can be seen and blank tender forms obtained. The cost of tender form and mode of its deposit also should be given,(b) Name of place. date and time, receipt, and opening of the tender should be given clearly, (c) The amount and mode of deposit of earnest money should be written clearly. Whether. The earnest money is to be deposited by bank draft, cash, or cheque. (d) In case, tender is accepted, the amount of security and its mode of deposit also should be Written. (e)With whom the authority of acceptance of tenders will rest
  • Reasonable time should be allowed for bidders to submit their tenders. Usually, the time period may vary from 7 days to 28 days depending upon the amount of work.
  • On the due date and advertised time and place, all tenders received for the same contract should be opened by the divisional officer or other competent authority in the presence of intending contractors or their representatives.
  • Every tender should be numbered serially, initiated, and dated on the front page at the time of opening. Every page of the schedule or letter attached to the tender should also be initiated, Blank tenders should be canceled under dated initials. Alterations in the tender made before submitting the under should be initiated legibly by the officer opening the tender. If entries are left blank, a line should be drawn across the blanks and initiated.
  • Under no circumstances any amendment in a tender be allowed after opening of the tender as commenced, even if a tenderer offers to reduce his rates. This offer should be taken in the form of a letter separately.
  • No tender should pass from one officer to the other in the open condition.
  • Tenders in which the quoted rates seem to be doubtful, under no circumstances should be accepted. Conditional tenders are liable for rejection.
  • No tender for the execution of work should be entertained unless it is accompanied or paid.
  • separately the earliest money as notified in the tender notice.
  • The earnest money of unsuccessful tenders should be refunded as soon as possible after the completion of tenders.
  • Usually, the lowest tender is accepted. except in extraordinary conditions. The acceptance-rejection of a tender is at the discretion of the authorized officer, but the reasons for its rejection should be sound and recorded fully, and kept confidential 
  • Tenders received after due time and date should be rejected after recording "received after date"
  • After opening the tenders. normally negotiations with tenderers should not be carried out.

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